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The Next Step for School Leavers


Leaving school is a huge step. After 12 years in the education system, all of a sudden you are faced with the big question… What’s next?SASI is now offering a program funded by the NDIS known as SLES, or School Leaver Employment Supports.

The key benefits of the SLES program are to:

  • Help you to gain employment skills such as communication and organisational skills, money handling, time management
  • Build your confidence in the workplace
  • Assist you to set goals, such as career goals and planning
  • Gain valuable work experience and employment related training
  • Help you to successfully transition from school to meaningful employment

“A lot of students find that once they finish school there can be a bit of a hiatus or hole, particularly if they have no work or further study to go to,” tells Georgia, SASI’s Support Services Manager. “SLES is there to help provide school leavers with the support they need towards gaining employment, preparing for TAFE or taking on volunteer opportunities.”  SASI has developed a skill-based program that will be based from SASI’s Seaford Hub and Gippsland Hub. The program will run 1 to 3 days a week with each unit running for approximately 7-10 weeks.

The program will focus on the following areas:

  • Life Skills – Client focused program developing skills to form a pathway towards employment or further training. Such as, workplace norms, behaviours and expectations.
  • Budgeting and Money – Building individual capacity to understand, interpret and utilise money/budgets within a range of settings.
  • Job Ready Skills – Skills suited to individuals needs to work towards job readiness. Such as interview practice, resume writing, job application.
  • Travel Training – High-quality person-centred support for clients to safely and confidently access the community using a range of transportation options.
  • Work Experience/Community Engagement – Based on individual’s achievement, a variety of work and community-based options will be explored and offered. This might include work experience, volunteering, Disability Employment Services (DES), TAFE or further education opportunities.

“We are hoping to start the program with a couple of students who already have SLES funding this year, however things will really kick off next year,” tells Georgia. Students will be supported throughout the program by a support worker who will help them develop their skills and confidence as they head towards the next step. The programs are person-centred and tailored to meet the needs of the individual, and are aimed at school leavers aged between 17 to 22 years who have SLES funding as part of their NDIS plan.If you think SLES is exactly what you need to help you get job ready, however, you don’t have SLES funding, speak with your Support Coordinator or Local Area Coordinator to start the ball rolling.

Once you have SLES funding give SASI a call on 1300 577 305 or email [email protected] and we will get started. For more information visit the SASI website https://www.sasi.org.au/school-leaver-employment-supports-sles/ or the NDIS website https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/working-provider/school-leaver-employment-supports.    

SASI Guest Parent Blogger