Local playgroup for autism kids and parents
SASI is starting a new playgroup, especially designed for children with autism to help them meet other children in a safe and supportive environment which is specifically tailored to their needs.
“We’re planning to run the playgroup sessions in Mt Martha on a Wednesday from 10am until 11am once a fortnight,” tells Georgia Lynch, Support Services Manager. “We will work with the parents to ensure the play space is suitable for their child and make sure everyone feels happy and comfortable.
The playgroup sessions, starting in June, will cater for children aged 0-5 years and their parents and carers. “We will provide tea and coffee for parents and carers so they can catch up with other parents, have a chat and connect over a cuppa,” tells Georgia.“It’s a great opportunity to meet other parents and to share their experiences with their child. We also hope to create some topical conversations, facilitated by various health professionals, to assist parents on autism journey.”
Life’s journey for a child with autism and their parents can look very different as their child reaches developmental milestones at different ages and stages than their peers. SASI’s playgroup aims to create a safe and educational space for all to enjoy and feel supported and connected with other like-minded families.
If you’re interested in attending the playgroup sessions please contact SASI pm 1300 577 305 or email [email protected]. For more information visit www.sasi.org.au.